Taking back Control of Reality
Greetings Spartans,
This is it the moment you’ve all known for so long but didn’t want to accept! Will you take the Blue pill or the Red pill and change your reality forever(subjectively of course).
No I’m not gonna pull you out the Matrix but maybe just out of your habitual tendencies and reframe some behaviours that may be holding you back. So I want to offer you a set of tools that will allow you to manage your day and Experiences whilst you re-establish some control back over the day.
Managing Stress
So today I’d like to offer you 3 ideas that I personally benefit from in my day to day activities
Gym Workout
Greetings Spartans just a little update on the session I did this evening and if you have access to the equipment join in as well.
Warm up
- Deep squat the hamstring stand
- Geckos with thoracic rotation
- Leg swings
Heavy sled pulls and pushes (we don’t have an actually sled in the gym so i made one from equipment we have available). Improvisation is the mother of adaptation that’s true for life as it is for gains.
Here is my beast of burden!
Here's the drill
What is fitness to you?
Greetings Spartans,
Welcome back to another Blog! Todays topic we will explore what is fitness and why does it seem like such an ambiguous word?
Well fundamentally fitness isn’t just a physical barometer of your health it also leads into your emotional and mental state that’s why its such a hard definition.
As a coach and Personal trainer its important to clarify with an individual what the outcome for that person will be. Quite often its get stronger, move faster or be thinner (lets face it how many people want to gain weight in this day and age?).
Boxing For Home or Gym day
Greetings Spartans,
Do you struggle with finding time for workouts?
looking to develop lean mass and torch excess body fat within the space of 45 mins. This work out will help you burn an extra (380Kcal to 600Kcal) depending on your current fitness level. The true effects comes from E.P.O.C (excess post exercise oxygen consumption) = Part of recovery and contributes to the total energy expenditure of your workout. I.e. You can experience a short burst of extra calorie burning for a period of time between 3 and 12 hours which can boost the calories utilised by up to 16% (for a small window of time).
Hers a good page to learn more about the effects of EPOC.
Boxing workout
I have put together the perfect workout routine for those wanting to burn extra calories. This workout can be done anywhere anytime. The structure looks like this:
Warm up
Skipping (speed or K1 rope) 2 rounds x 3 mins
Shadow boxing – maintain upright position 3 X 3mins
Add weaves and ducks to every 5th or 6th move
Physical prep – either have a push, pull or leg focused circuit
Complete 2 sets of circuits
Abdominal focus – 2 moves until failure
With this abs exercise, I have focused on splitting it by movement (sagittal, frontal or traverse).
Here are a two examples you can try now! Make sure you have space around you and a timer!
Example 1
Warm up – Skipping
2 x 3mins – Rest 30 seconds between sets
What’s in your gym bag?
Hello Spartans,
This might seem like a basic subject, but you’d be surprised how few people actually pack their gym bag to contain the appropriate things you might need to use.
As a responsible gym user you should make sure that you ready for pretty much anything, when training whether at the gym or outdoors.
Hygiene and first aid are the first things you need to take into account when packing your gym bag.
Achieve Your Fitness Goals Sustainably
Personal training shouldn't be one-size-fits-all. Train with me at The Gym Group Wandsworth, anywhere in London, or virtually for flexible options. Whether it's muscle toning, weight loss, posture correction, boxing, cardio, or strength training, I create personalised programmes just for you.
Take the first step towards sustainable, lasting fitness today. Let’s get started!